Welcome to TourSolver Help!
Explore TourSolver via the list of Frequently Asked Questions, user Help articles, and API documentation.
Frequently Asked Questions
> What's new in TourSolver (Release notes)?
> How secure and confidential are my data?
> Where are my data hosted?
> Is it possible to authenticate in SSO?
> How long will my route optimizations be stored?
> Which countries are supported?
> Which languages are supported?
> Which browsers and systems are compatible?
> What is TourSolver's handling capacity?
> What modes of transport are handled in TourSolver?
> How do I take the weather into account in my route plans?
> How do I send an email or SMS with delivery instructions to my recipients?
> How to send an email or SMS to notify the recipient of the abandonment of a visit?
> Where is the TourSolver Cloud API Documentation?
> How can I create an account?
> How can I get an API key?
> How can I download a sample visits file ?
> Can I try using TourSolver even if I have no data?
> How can I get the full version?
> How can I change language version?
> How can I manage my sites and depots?
> How can I import descriptive fields on visits?
> How to customize the color of the pin on the map?
> How can I reduce my treatment times when I have a lot of visits (more than 500)?
> What are the capabilities of the mobile app for the resources on the field?
> How to configure, use, and interact with the TourSolver mobile app?
> Is the TourSolver mobile app available on the App Store for iPhone and iPad?
> How can I see which version of TourSolver mobile app is installed??
> How can I update TourSolver mobile app?
> How can I reset a link to a maps app under Android?
> What are my obligations if I activate tracking?
> How to use the scan in TourSolver and the TourSolver mobile app?
General points
> What constraints are handled in TourSolver?
> Find out how to explore the way each constraint operates
> Should I use relative days or dates?
> How can I shape my routing solutions?
> How to configure a start time for resources?
> How to configure lunch breaks for my resources?
> How can I define different departure and arrival points?
> How to configure several time windows on one day?
> How can I adjust the speed of my vehicles?
> Why has the Daily working hours constraint not been taken into account?
> How can I prevent visiting schedules from slipping?
> How can I manage customer opening times?
> How can I define my visit priorities?
> How can I handle deliveries and pickups in the same route?
Optimization results
> Why do I have "Visit waiting times" in my planning?
> What are route dates?
TourSolver Documentation
Browse Documentation articles by subject:
> Managing users
> Managing simulations
> Managing sites or depots
> Site or depot constraints reference guide
> Handling forbidden transit areas
> Document library 
> Configure outgoing emails or SMS
> Configure WebFleet Solutions
> Configure the invoice service (QuickBooks)
> Configure customer experience pages
> Preferences & license information
TourSolver Cloud API Documentation
Click on this button to access the TourSolver Cloud API Documentation:
See also:
> How can I get the TourSolver API?