The simulation dashboard


> Access the dashboard

> Customize the dashboard

> Measure the impact of a change in your route plan

> Evaluation mode

Basic principles

The simulation dashboard allows you to evaluate a simulation according to the indicators that speak to you the most (e.g. travel time, distance in km, quantity to be delivered, etc.). It is customizable, and allows you to display the impacts of modifications in your simulation.

It appears at the end of each optimization, and can be displayed at any time also via the interface.


Access the dashboard

At the end of an optimization or when opening a simulation, a dashboard appears and displays the key indicators. This dashboard can also be opened on demand via the optimization result button in the result page.

Customize the dashboard

By default, TourSolver displays a few indicators that can be changed! At the top right of the screen, you'll find a button to activate the Edit mode.

The following is a list and definition of the available indicators:


This section presents indicators on visits and operational progress on routes. The indicators are as follows:

  • Planned visits: total number of scheduled visits for the period
  • Unplanned visits: total number of unplanned visits for the optimized period
  • On time: total number of visits scheduled to arrive at the customer’s premises within the defined visit time window(s)
  • Late: total number of scheduled visits ending outside the defined visit time window(s)
  • Waits: total number of visits scheduled with a specific waiting time allocated before the visit, these waiting times being added to the planning
  • Early: total number of visits scheduled in advance, starting outside the defined visit time windows(s)
  • Lunch breaks: total number of lunch breaks for the optimized period
  • Drive breaks: total number of driving breaks for the optimized period, if these breaks have been enabled
  • Reloads: total number of reloading or unloading operations (depending on whether the routes are pick-up or delivery routes) required for fulfilment of all routes, if these are authorised for the optimized period
  • Non-optimal frequency: total number of visits for which the visit frequency is less than optimum, in the case where a visit frequency is defined for the optimized period


This section presents indicators on routes and driving required for the fulfilment of all these routes. The indicators are as follows:

  • Total distance: total cumulative distance to fulfil all routes on the optimized period.
  • Drive duration: duration of total cumulative drive-time to fulfil all routes on the optimized period, expressed in HH:MM:SS format (hours, minutes, seconds)
  • Planned routes: total number of planned visits on the optimized period
  • CO₂ equivalent: total quantity of CO2 equivalent released into the environment for all routes, on the optimized period
  • Used resources: total number of resources used on the optimized period, as compared with the total number of available resources subject to route optimization


This section presents the indicators on the work times during routes. The indicators are as follows:

  • Total duration: total duration of all routes on the optimized period, expressed in HH:MM:SS format (hours, minutes, seconds)
  • Visit duration: total duration of visits on the optimized period, expressed in HH:MM:SS format (hours, minutes, seconds)
  • Wait duration: total duration of cumulative waiting times on the optimized period, expressed in HH:MM:SS format (hours, minutes, seconds)
  • Overtime duration: total duration of overtime hours when these are authorised, expressed in HH:MM:SS format (hours, minutes, seconds)
  • Duration of delays: total duration of late events on planned visits, ending outside the defined visit time window(s), expressed in HH:MM:SS format
  • Rest duration: total duration of break times (lunch breaks and driving breaks) when these have been configured, expressed in HH:MM:SS format (hours, minutes, seconds)


This section presents indicators on quantities collected or delivered during routes, if these have been configured. The indicators are as follows:

  • Total quantity: total quantity collected or delivered on all routes for the optimized period
  • Average filling rate: average fill rate for all routes on the optimized period, establishing the relationship between quantities to collect/deliver and the capacities of resources for the quantity or quantities expressed


This section presents the various costs calculated for the optimized period, on the basis of costs configured beforehand for resources and visits. The indicators are as follows:

  • Total cost: total cost of all routes on the optimized period
  • Working cost: total cost of working time for all routes on the optimized period
  • Drive cost: total cost of travel times for all routes on the optimized period
  • Overtime cost: total cost of overtime hours for all routes on the optimized period, if these are enabled
  • Fixed costs: sum of fixed configured costs for all routes on the optimized period, if these have been configured
  • Overnight cost: total cost of nights away for all routes on the optimized period, if these have been enabled
  • Delivery cost: total visit time for all routes on the optimized period
  • Outsourcing cost: total subcontract cost for all routes on the optimized period, if this has been configured

Measure the impact of a change in your route plan

After making a change to your tour plan, it is possible to see its impact on your indicators from the dashboard. This view will confirm or deny the hypothesis you have made. It will then always be possible to go back!

Evaluation mode

If the visits to be optimized contain the three fields required for the evaluation mode (Visit day, Resource name, Order number), the screen compares the results of the existing solution for which the costs, distances and times have been calculated with the best solution obtained after route optimization.

Where visits to be optimized contain the three fields needed in evaluation mode (Visit day, Resource name, Sequence number) the screen compares the results given for the existing solution - for which the costs, distances and durations have been calculated - with the best solution found by the route optimization. The screen presents:

  • on the left, values yielded at the time the real situation was calculated in evaluation mode  (Before optimization column)  
  • in the central pane, the value of indicators for the best solution found, obtained by theoptimization calculation (After optimization column) 
  • on the right, the gain obtained when comparing these first two columns. The cell displays in green where an improvement of the solution is obtained following optimization of the solution submitted to TourSolver.

The  button at the top left closes the window and displays the exportable route plan.

Happy TourSolving!

> NEXT ARTICLE: Optimization results

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