Can I try using TourSolver even if I have no data?

SOLUTION 1 – The first time you use TourSolver: ONE CLICK to obtain example data

When you first connect to TourSolver, you can integrate sample data with one click:

  • from the Home page, and the button

Explore TourSolver by working in a pre-optimized simulation:

The Use sample data button will only become available in the Home page once you have created your first simulation based on your data. As soon as you have created a simulation in TourSolver, access to sample data is no longer available via the Home page.

  • from the My visits page, and the  button you can import a series of pre-prepared visits.

 The Sample data button is not available in the My visits page so long as you have not created the first simulation based on your data. As soon as a simulation has been created in TourSolver, access to sample data is no longer possible from the Home page. You will, however, be able to use the visit files as suggested in SOLUTION 3.

When using the sample data, you can return at any time to the Home page and click on to delete all sample data manipulated, restoring TourSolver to its original state when you first logged in.

Take a moment to explore TourSolver using the pre-optimized simulation you can load from the Home page, or by importing visits already set up for you to use, experimenting with field import and association, and geolocating visits to optimize.

SOLUTION 2 – Enter your own data in a downloaded sample visit file

No dataset to use with TourSolver?

In this case, simply download a sample visit file to complete with your data.

Download sample visit file

Use an empty file model containing columns to fill with your data, aided by the formatting advice associated to column headings.

SOLUTION 3 – Test a series of ready-to-use visit files

Ready to try out TourSolver by testing a sample visit file?

Use data for two action-ready scenarios supplied with setting suggestions and a visit file to integrate in TourSolver.

Scenario 1 – Example visit file (Paris): 50 visits for 5 resources on one day

Test TourSolver with a ready-to-use file, having first configured My activity and My visits as indicated with the suggested settings.


We invite you to download a sample file containing a series of data items you can use to try out optimising a route plan for visiting 50 clients in Paris. This scenario handles 5 resources over 1 day.   

Download the sample file (Excel format) Download in CSV format


Once the file has downloaded, you can use it in TourSolver, but first, here are some practical considerations for setting parameters:

My Activity

In the My activity tab, choose France as the default country:

My resources
  • Create 5 resources to set up this route plan, respecting visit durations for each client. 
  • Follow the parameters in the My resources tab defined below (number of resources, localised address in Paris, time constraints, etc.): 

Next, proceed in TourSolver to import the file in the My visits tab, and follow the assistant to map fields, geocode addresses and optimise your routes. 

Scenario 2 – Example visit file (Ile-de-France): 108 visits for 3 resources over 5 days

Test TourSolver with another ready-to-use file, having first configured My activity and My visits as indicated with the suggested settings.


We suggest you download an example file containing a data set so you can practise optimizing a route plan that services 108 customers in the Ile-De-France. This scenario is applied to 3 resources over 5 days.

Download the sample file (Excel format)  Download in CSV format


Once the file has downloaded, you will be able to use it in TourSolver, but here are a few suggestions about how to configure the application beforehand:

My activity

In the My activity tab, configure the interface as follows:

  1. Choose France as the Default country
  2. The file contains delivery data (including quantity to deliver). Here, you can choose as Activity the Delivery, pick-up option. This means the terminology applied will use these terms.
  3. Choose as Means of transportation, Truck
  4. Leave the Reloading/unloading on start parameter with a value of Forbidden
  5. Apply as Maximal optimization duration a value of 1 minute.
  6. Finally, click on the Validate and configure my resources or Save buttons, depending on whether you are using TourSolver Cloud for the first time, or whether you have already performed at least one route optimization.
My deliverers (My resources)

In the My deliverers (if you have already chosen the activity Delivery, pick-up in the My activity tab), configure the interface as follows:

  1. Add 3 deliverers to the total to complete this route plan while respecting the visit durations and quantities to deliver to each customer.
  2. Enter as the address for the departure point: 10 rue de noel 92 Gennevilliers, and then click on the Locate button. The exact address is 10 RUE DES NOELS 92230 GENNEVILLIERS. Choose this address in the list of suggestions that then displays.

  1. Set the Work time to 06:30 to 15:30
  2. Set the Lunch break from 11:00 to 13:00 with a duration of 01:00
  3. Uncheck the Overtime hours checkbox
  4. Set the Vehicle capacity to 200

Next, click on the More constraints link to access the full list of delivery driver constraints, and then configure as follows:

  1. In the Planning section, check the Worked days check-box and then enter the value 1-5 that appears in blue in the text entry zone

  1. Under Costs, check the Pay whole day option (while positioned on the Enabled value)

  1. Finally click on the Validate and configure my visits button or on Save, depending on whether you are using TourSolver Cloud for the first time, or whether you have already performed at least one route optimization.
My deliveries (My visits)

In the My deliveries tab, configure the interface as follows:

  1. In the Import your visits section, drag-and-drop the Excel or CSV file downloaded earlier via the explorer, or click Import from… an Excel file and select the Exemple_fichier_livraisons(IleDeFrance) file in XLSX or CSV format
  2. In the Choose the data sheet section, choose the Livraisons tab if you have imported the Excel file, and then click on Validate
  3. In the Map your data to TourSolver fields section, score the automatic association applied on the columns in the file with the TourSolver fields, and then check the check-box in front of the Compléments column, and associate it with the Other data TourSolver field.
  4. Click on Locate my deliveries button to run the automatic geolocation of addresses

  1. Once the geolocation process has finished, close the statistics window by clicking on the cross icon at the top right of the window
  2. All the geolocated addresses are now visible in the map. Click on the 4th address 40 rue Neil Beker to see the automated correspondence applied with the real address 40 rue Arthur Neibecker

  1. Finally, click on the Optimize my routes button to run the optimization on the routes. During the processing time, you can usefully name and save all the parameter settings you have used in a simulation to reload and use again later on

  1. Close the optimization results window once the optimization terminates automatically (after about one minute).

  If this is the first optimization you have performed, you will see a message suggesting you request full access to the application. If you already have the full version of TourSolver Cloud, you can then continue to exploit the optimization results as follows.

  1. First, try viewing the optimized route plan. Navigate from driver to driver or from day to day, or display all routes
  2. You can test the manual modification option for the optimized route plan by selecting for example the route called Driver 02 / Day 5 and moving step 4 in the list to the last position (using the arrow icon on the left of the list of steps). A warning is then displayed to indicate that the time window for the driver’s working hours is exceeded following recalculation of the route, and that the new customer visit time windows have been recalculated as a result.
  3. You can now Save the manual modifications made in the simulation and then decide to Re-optimize (or not) all or part of the routes making up the simulation
  4. Finally you can share the optimized route plan by exporting the results, for example in Excel or ICS formats that are practical for populating the agendas of resources as required.

Enjoy !


> Home page the first time you use TourSolver

> Home page the second and subsequent times you use TourSolver

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